How does 6-8 players per team work?
We understand that it may be hard for some to form 8 person teams. Because of that, we are allowing people to develop 6 person teams. That being said, 6 person teams will be playing against 8 person teams. There is only one tournament for all teams involved.
Will the winning team earn a prize?
Only bragging rights! All proceeds go the the athletic boosters, and we want to maximize the benefits to them.
Why collect email addresses on team forms?
We are collecting email addresses on team forms so that we can contact players about future dodgeball events. This is the only way that these email addresses will be used. If a player does not want to provide their email that is fine, but he/she will not be directly notified of new events through email.
Will you be hosting future events?
Yes! We expect success at this event and only expect to build on that success for future events.
Can everyone play dodgeball together after the tournament for fun?
Maybe… we have not asked this of the Gibsonburg Athletic department, but if there is time, this does, in fact, sound like a lot of fun… with approval!